Every day our hands do amazing things. From helping to feed us, to showing our family and friends that we care, hands are so important to us. That’s why we need to look after them, which we can do by keeping them clean. It’s important to know how to wash your hands properly, in order to make sure you stay happy and healthy.

How to wash your hands
Muddy hands? Sticky fingers? At Carex, we know that messy hands are a normal part of life. We know it might seem obvious, but washing your hands correctly is a great step towards stopping germs spreading, and staying clean and healthy. Teach the whole family the best hand washing technique and make sure they wash their hands properly, with Carex.
When Should You Wash Your Hands?

Before you prepare or eat your food

Before you treat a cut or wound

After going to the toilet

After playing with pets

After playing outdoors

After taking the rubbish out
Protecting You And Your Family
Washing your hands with soap is one of the best ways to protect you and your family. Keeping our hands clean, young and old, helps protect us from illnesses like colds and flu. Clean hands allow us to stay safe and healthy, enabling us to get stuck into life!
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